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Skills for [you]th. Forever.

C4K fosters a long-term learning community for youth in Charlottesville.

Connecting. Creating. Elevating.


Members are welcome to drop by our makerspace in the Clubhouse anytime to make friends, get creative, and explore their interests.


Personal support and teaching is a top priority. Members are mentored either 1:1 or in a group setting to explore their passions through project-based learning.

Community Learning

Our workshops and field trips give members access to real professionals and organizations to learn about career choices and potential educational opportunities.

Together, we build brighter futures for all youth through accessible communities and education, powered by arts and technology.

Join the Clubho[us]e

There are many ways to get involved with our community.


Support deserving Charlottesville youth to make an impact today! Donate to C4K.


Inspire youth in your community! Volunteer your time and knowledge by becoming a mentor.


Join the C4K family! Build a relationship with C4K and your school or organization.


Learn lifelong skills and make lasting friends! Become a youth member by applying to our free program.